Depression among Elderly Patients with Diabetes in Wachirabaramee District

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Pakhamas Phetpong


Depression among Elderly with Diabetes in Wachirabaramee District, Pichit Province, Thailand, 2018

To determine the incidence of depression among elderly with diabetes and their factors relating to depression occurrence in Wachirabaramee District, Pichit Province of Thailand, recruited villagers above 60 years of age with registered type-II diabetes in primary care units of Wachirabaramee Hospital during 1st November to 30th December 2018 were interviewed.     Of 308 cases with new registered diabetes, individual and family health status, past history of illnesses, and life-threatening events were recorded. Of those, 79 (25.6%) met definition of depression. 20 (24.7%) were mild graded         of depression and 1 (0.79%) were moderate graded. Injected route of insulin comparing to oral route administration was positive statistically significant association to depression by regression (r=0.157, p<0.05), however, recognizing their own treatment outcomes was negative association (r=-0.115, p<0.05). Living with feeling lonely and number of critical life-threatening event was positively associated to depression respectively (r=0.248, p<0.001; r=0.128, p<0.05), while self-worth was negative significant association (r=-0.183, p<0.05). Analyzing prediction factors to depression including living with feeling lonely, number of critical life-threatening event, and self-worth were statistically significance (ß=2.214, p<0.001, ß=1.289, p<0.05, and ß=-0.782, p<0.05) respectively. These associated factors were jointly presented to aggravated depression to 21.9%.  

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How to Cite
Phetpong P. Depression among Elderly Patients with Diabetes in Wachirabaramee District. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(2):25-36. Available from:
Researce Article


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