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สุวรรณี สร้อยสงค์


The purpose of this study was to predict the factors affecting on intentions to enroll in the nursing program among senior high school students in the upper northern region.  Participants were selected using multi-stage sampling method. All data were collected from a set of 500  senior high school students at the schools located in the upper northern region. Data were analyzed descriptive method, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Stepwise-multiple regression correlation coefficient.

Research results showed that:

  1. Independent factors: attitude toward nursing profession, beliefs on self behavioral control toward study nursing program, perceived behavioral control on normative norms and beliefs on nursing profession were significantly positive relate to intentions to enroll in the nursing program (r=.771, .913, .720, .913, 649, .537, .576 respectively) at p-value < .01 level.  Furthermore,  inclination of subjective norms on nursing profession was significantly low positive relate to intentions to enroll in the nursing program (r=.100) at p-value < .05 level.

  2. The strongest predictor was attitude toward nursing profession (β =.863, p<.001). It was significantly affected to intentions to enroll in the nursing program and predicted intentions to enroll in the nursing program at 74.50 percent (R2 = .745 , Adjusted R2 =.74 , F = 1453.028, p < .001)

The study showed that intentions influenced to enroll in the nursing program.  Thus, nursing colleges in Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development should be created update activities to enhance the positive attitude and image of the institute in order to increasingly a number of the students for study in the nursing program.

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How to Cite
สร้อยสงค์ ส. INTENTIONS TO ENROLL IN THE NURSING PROFESSION AMONG SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE UPPER NORTHERN REGION. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(3):26-3. Available from:
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