Factors Predicting Smoking Prevention Behavior of Secondary School Students in Ban Rai Witthaya School, Uthaithani Province

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ฐิติภัทร จันเกษม


The objective of research is to explore smoking prevention behavior and predictive behavior factors. Prevention of smoking among secondary school students at Ban Rai Witthaya School, Uthai Thani Province, which will be useful to use as a database to plan operations. To prevent the occurrence of new smokers, collecting data from population 1,430 students. from January 2018 to March 2018. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.81. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis, was found at significant level of 0.05.

The results showed that secondary school students at Ban Rai Wi School Most of Uthaithani province had smoking prevention behaviors at a very good level, 71.0% for positive factors that predicted smoking prevention behavior of secondary school students, the highest were include 1) Personal factors, confidence in Smoking prevention (Beta = 0.795) 2)Perception of the severity of smoking-related diseases (Beta = 6. 366) 3) Social support (Beta = 0.160) 4) Perception of benefits and obstacles of smoking (Beta =  0.045) and 5) perception of risk of smoking-induced diseases (Beta = 0.057), respectively. And negative factors that predict behavior of smoking, Prevention of smoking among high school students is the highest 1) Experience with smoking but quit (Beta = -0.059) 2) Relationships with families that fight regularly (Beta = -0.049) 3) Attitude Against smoking (Beta = -0.047) and 4) present Smoking (Beta = -0.031), respectively. These variables can predict smoking prevention behavior of secondary school students by 70.0% with a statistically significant level of 0.05.

Suggestions to be used as a guideline for smoking prevention of secondary school students in schools and used as a database to develop programs to promote smoking prevention behavior for secondary school students to prevent new cigarettes should focus on. 3 factors as follows 1) Enhance confidence in smoking prevention2) Communicate to recognize the severity of diseases caused by smoking. 3) creating social support to prevent the occurrence of new smokers in secondary school students.

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How to Cite
จันเกษม ฐ. Factors Predicting Smoking Prevention Behavior of Secondary School Students in Ban Rai Witthaya School, Uthaithani Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(2):1-13. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/181422


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