The Results of Guideline for the Prevention of District Road Traffic Injury (D-RTI) with Road Traffic Accident and Death in Regional Health 3.
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This descriptive research aimed to study of the results of guideline for the prevention of District Road Traffic Injury (D-RTI) with road traffic injury and death in Regional Health 3. The samples were 54 units of District Public Health Offices. The data was The data was collected during October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. The research Instruments was the evaluation form for the process of results of guideline for the prevention of District Road Traffic Injury (D-RTI) for accepted national level. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics namely frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test (χ2) and Contingency Coefficient (C).
The results showed that most samples had the District Public Health Offices as the prime leader. The results from the process of Guideline for the Prevention of District Road Traffic Injury (D-RTI) were as these follows: Good level 66.7%, Excellent level 27.8% and Advanced level 5.6%. The 35 units of the samples with Good level and above had 64.81% decrease in road traffic injury and deaths. Divided into ten activities, it was found that all of the samples had been mostly paid attention on information management, surveillance systems and emergency-management situational awareness at 100%. Secondly, it was collaboration with community participants at 96.3%. Thirdly and finally, it was identification of the accidental-risk areas and public relations campaign at 88.9%. Whilst the samples had been paid the least attention on organizations’ road traffic safety organization at 59.3%, performance evaluation at 66.7%, and investigation of the casualties from traffic accident at 72.3% respectively. Furthermore, the results of Guideline for the Prevention of District Road Traffic Injury (D-RTI) did not have statistical significant relation with Road Traffic Accident and Death in Regional Health 3.
The study found that the policy and mechanism still had limitation. There were not any connection of the problem solution between the District Public Health Offices and the local organizations. The personnel should be developed their skills of information management, investigation of the casualties from traffic accident, deep analysis of the causes of accident leading to the identification of the accidental-risk areas, manipulation of straight-to-the-point solution, and gradual evaluation and monitoring.
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