Distribution of Rifampicin and Isoniazid resistant genes in tuberculosis resistant patients by Line Probe Assay.

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อรุณรัศมี อร่ามทิพย์


The 4th Thailand Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance (2012-2013) showed the high rate (18.88) of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in new patients, who had been treated. In this study, we determined spread of multiple drug resistant tuberculosis genes based on the Line Probe Assay (LPA) during April 2016 to March 2016. The cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to analyze the drug resistance gene in patients at risk group of MDR-TB. We found that most of the samples with undetected rifampicin resistant genes was also undetected for Iisoniazid resistant gene. Rifampicin-resistant genes was significantly associated with multiple-drug resistance genes (p-value <0.010). Multiple-drug resistant genes were significantly found in patients who was under the age of 60 years (working age) and were classified as on-treatment (p-value = 0.036). The analysis of mutation pattern based on LPA showed that drug resistance genes detected with wild type gene in the detection of mono-drug resistant genes or the detection of multi-drug resistant genes were no statistically significant differences (p-value = 1.000). The knowledge gained from this study might be applied with screening methods for the detection of multiple drug resistant TB patients in the 3rd Health Area and to be used as a guideline for detection of resistant genes using LPA technique for the medical laboratory, Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3.

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อร่ามทิพย์ อ. Distribution of Rifampicin and Isoniazid resistant genes in tuberculosis resistant patients by Line Probe Assay. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(3):11-8. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/178388
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