The context and conditions of the issue among obesity in the community.Nongsang sub district, Wapipathumdistrict ,Mahasarakham

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Benyathip Phunnasin
Virat Parnsila
Ronnaruth Butsaenkom


Introduction: This  research  is  a  survey  research.  Its  aims  to  study  the  context  and conditions of the issue among obesity in Nongsang sub district, Wapipathum district ,Mahasarakham. Methods: Population in this research include health care provider, health officials,nurse practitioner in Wapipathum  hospitals  and  a  group  of  34  obese  person.  The  population  was  willing  to  join  the research method used by the specific method used in this research include quantitative data was a questionnaire  consisted  of  5  parts  consists  including  demographic  characteristics,  knowledge  about obesity, efficacy of their own to reduce obesity and behavior to reduce obesity with diet, exercise and proper rest for weight control, suggestions on the development of operations to reduce obesity in the community. Results : Group  of  obese  people  in the  community  are  55.40  percent.  Knowledge  and the  efficacy  of  their  own  to  reduce  obesity  in  moderate  but  there  are  some  groups  who  lack knowledge and understanding of obesity and efficacy own to reduce obesity Conclusions: some  of the  obese  groups  still  lack  knowledge  about  obesity.  And  yet,  knowing  the  potential  of  self-control, Lack of action to control their intake and exercise are obvious.

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Pharmaceutical Practice


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