Dietary supplement consumption behavior of diabetes mellitus patients in Tambon Warit Cha-phum, Warit Cha-phum District, Sakon Nakhon Province

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Somjai Phanphuwong
Kornkaew Chanthapasa


 Introduction: This study aims to examine the dietary supplements consumption behavior of diabetes mellitus patients in Tambon Warit Cha-phum, Warit Cha-phum District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Method: A questionnaire was used to collect data from 130 diabetes mellitus patients who are registered at Waritchaphum hospital and live in Waritchaphum district, Sakon Nakhon province.  Results: Most of the respondents (67.70%) were female. 68.46% were elderly with age more than 60 years. More than 50% had a family income less than 10,000 baht per month. 50% of the respondents stated that they have a good health.  In the past three months, the study found that 28.46% of the respondents used to take and/or were taking dietary supplements. 91.89% of them took the dietary supplements 1-2 times a day along with diabetes medications. The respondents use 3 reasons to making decision on dietary supplements consumption behavior as: 53.85% took dietary supplements for maintenance their body, 25% expected this supplement can cure diabetes and 21.15% expected the supplements to decrease their blood sugar. 48.65% of respondents took dietary supplement because of the motivation from direct sales agent. 67.56% of respondents bought the dietary supplement by themselves. 54.05% bought the dietary supplement from direct sales agent. 62.16% of respondents feel satisfied after taking dietary supplements, while 21.62% (8 of 37 respondents) believed that dietary supplements can cure diabetes. 48.65% (18 of 37 respondents) stated that dietary supplements can not cure diabetes. However, 62.16% of respondents (23 of 37 respondents) will continue taking the dietary supplements. Conclusion: This study revealed that the 50% of respondents take another product along with the diabetes medications. The respondents who take dietary supplements have a positive attitude to the products.  Some of them believe that dietary supplements can cure diabetes and decrease their blood sugar.

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