Cachexia: A Review of Therapeutic and Management

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Suphat Subongkot
Kittipong Onseng


Chronically ill patients going through treatment have a tendency to experience complications associated to either their illnesses or therapy. Evolution in health care can improve treatment outcome if the patient could tolerate therapeutic interventions. Supportive care is described as any measure that makes patient more tolerable to the treatment and consequently improves quality of life. Recently, the definition of supportive care has been expanded to embrace the time of diagnosis to the end of patients’ life, even when the illness is cured. This broader description has encouraged the pharmacists in to implement pharmaceutical care as some of treatment complications take long time to resolve such as effect on reproduction, endocrine function, etc. Cachexia is a chronic complication often identified in chronically ill patients and associated increased morbidity and mortality. This article emphasizes on pharmacotherapeutic management and supportive care aspect of cachexia.

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Review Article


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