Enhancement of Bioactive Compounds of Roselle Vinegar by Co-culture Fermentation

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Jirasak Kongkiattikajor


Introduction: Functional therapeutic properties of vinegar described include antibacterial activity, blood pressure reduction, antioxidant activity, reduction in the effects of diabetes, prevention of cardiovascular disease, and increased vigor after exercise. The objectives of present study were to enhance bioactive compounds and the acetic acid production of Roselle Vinegar with mixed culture fermentation. Methods: Vinegar fermentationis a two-step process: First, the anaerobic conversion of sugars to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae TISTR5048 and then the aerobic oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid by mixed culture of Acetobacter aceti TISTR102 and Acetobacter cervisiae TN4497. Total phenolic, fl avonoid, anthocyanin contents and antioxidant properties of Roselle vinegar were also determined. Results: The Roselle wine was produced in a batch reactor. The kinetic parameters obtained for wine fermentation by S. cerevisiae TISTR5048 were profi led. Using mixed culture of A. aceti TISTR102 and A. cervisiae TN4497, the wine vinegar process optimization ranges found for initial concentrations of ethanol and acetic acid as independent variables were 63.47 g/L and 69.21 g/L, respectively. Bioactive compounds including total phenolics, total anthocyanins, and their antiradical activities (EC50) were determined. Acetifi cation increased total anthocyanin content, total polyphenols and antioxidant activities. The abilities of wine from Roselle juice to antiradical activity were high with EC50 of 14.95 mg/L. The antioxidant activity of vinegar product was high with EC50 of 0.72 mg/L. Conclusion: Acetifi cation signifi cantly increased bioactive compounds contents and
antioxidant activities. The results indicated that fermentation is a better method for obtaining higher
antioxidant activity of Roselle products.

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