Multifunction of Saffron and Its Components in Brain

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Nguyen Huu Tung
Shinji Soeda
Hiroshi Saito
Kosuke Aritake
Yukihiro Shoyama


Abbreviation: BSO; Buthionine sulfoximine, DMEM; Dulbecco’s modifi ed Eagle’s medium, ELISA; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, FB1; Fumonisin B1, c-GCS; c-Glutamylcysteinyl synthase, GPx; Glutathione peroxidase, GR; Glutathione reductase, GSH; Glutathione, IL-6; Interleukin-6, JNK; c-Jun kinase, LTP; Long-term potentiation, MAb; Monoclonal antibody, NGF; Nerve growth factor, NMDA; N-methyl-D-aspartate, N-Smase; Neutral sphingomyelinase, PS; Phosphatidylserine, SAPK; Stress-activated protein kinase, SD; Step down, SM; Sphingomyelin, SOD; Superoxide dismutase ST; Step through, TNF-a; Tumor necrosis factor

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