Determination of Doxycycline Using RGB Colorimetric Method
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A simple RGB colorimetric method was developed for the quantitative analysis of doxycycline dosage form. Principally, digital images of complexation taken by android mobile phone were used for the colorimetric analysis and read RGB pixels array values. Method: Doxycycline content was determined by using the proposed RGB colourimetric method. The various concentrations of standard doxycycline solution (2-100 µg mL-1) were mixed with 50 µg mL-1 of iron(III) solution. The yellow colour solutions were obtained and the RGB pixels array intensity of the solutions was related with doxycycline concentration. The molar ratio of doxycycline and iron(III) was 2:1. The standard glass tubes contained the coloured solutions were arranged standing side by side and digital image was captured by mobile phone. The digital image obtained with no photo effect was detected to get the RGB pixels array values of analyte with the in-house GetPixel program. Results: The optimum conditions for the proposed method were studied by univariate analysis. Standard calibration curve was established in concentration ranges 2-100 µg mL-1 of doxycycline which was plotted against RGB pixel values. For linearity within the optimum range, regression equation was shown y = 0.0678x + 0.0589 and the correlation coefficient (r2) was 0.9998. The limit of detection (LOD) was 1.10 µg mL-1 and the limit of quantification (LOQ) was 3.40 µg mL-1. The effect of excipients which are usually added to pharmaceutical formulations was investigated on doxycycline analysis and shown none effected for determination of doxycycline. The difference between the results of proposed and reference methods was figured out statistically and showed no statistical difference at a 95% confidence level (n=10). Conclusion: The proposed RGB colorimetric was based on using mobile phone with non-sophisticate processes and not time-consuming step. The presented method was provided good resulting for accuracy, precision and reproducibility. Moreover, this low cost proposed method can be used as an alternative method in quantitative doxycycline analysis.
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