Pharmacy practice and pharmacy education in Thailand
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This review focuses on the situation of pharmacy practice and pharmacy education in Thailand, which is one of the countries that is transforming its pharmacy degree to the level of Doctor of Pharmacy. Thailand is a Southeast Asian country. The government provides the majority of health-care services, mostly through the Ministry of Public Health. The pharmacy workforce remains insufficient. The pharmacist-to- population ratio is lower than both the Thai government’s strategic goal and the World Health Organisation’s recommendation. Thai pharmacists operate in the following sectors: hospital, community pharmacy, industry and marketing, consumer protection and education. From 2010, all Thai faculties of pharmacy offered only the PharmD program, hence it is called an “all-PharmD” program. Since 2003, the Pharmacy Council of Thailand has decreed that all pharmacy graduates must take a licensure examination to ensure and standardize the quality of pharmacists from different faculties. There also needs to be more collaboration among education, practice and policy to bring about improvements in pharmacy practice. The regulatory agencies should consider the supportive framework that enables pharmacists to provide advanced practice while employing their experience, career structures for progression and growth, and funding for the advanced pharmacy services. It is interesting to see how the 6-year PharmD graduates, who are expected to have greater competence than prior BPharm graduates, will influence pharmacy practice. Despite several hurdles and barriers, the transition in Thai pharmacy education has the potential to support advancements in practice.
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