A comparative study of blue pea extract gel and CRC extract gel in the hair pieces of gray-hair

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Kanjana Chaipradit
Srisomporn Preeprame
Somsak Naulkaew


The objective of this study were a comparative of blue pea extract gel and CRC extract gel in the gray-hair piece by microscope. An efficiency of blue pea extract gel and CRC extract gel in the gray-hair piece presented CRC extract gel better than blue pea extract gel significantly (CRC = 25.8+6% and blue pea =20.3+4.7 %) and CRC extract gel and p- phenylenediamine were not different significantly. Moreover, comparative of stability for hair color after washing by children shampoo illustrated that CRC extract gel, Lawsone and p-phenylenediamine remained hair color in the same value significantly.

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