Principal and Secondary Diagnoses Related to Eye Injury: Characteristics from a tertiary center in Northern Thailand



principal diagnosis, secondary diagnosis, eye injury, hospitalization


Objective  This study aimed to explore the epidemiological characteris-tics of primary and secondary diagnoses of eye injuries requiring hospitali-zation in a tertiary referral center.

Methods  The medical records of 726 patients with diagnoses of eye injury who were admitted between January 2016 and December 2019 were reviewed.

Results Four hundred and thirty-six of the patients (60.1%) were hospitalized with a principal diagnosis related to eye injury, while 290 patients (39.9%) were admitted with secondary diagnoses. Over the four-year period of study, the proportion of admissions with a principal diagnosis stayed consistently in the range of 54.0% to 63.9%. Most of the patients in the principal diagnosis group were age between 41 and 60 years. Patients in the secondary diagnosis group, however, were mostly between the age of 21 and 40 years. The majority of patients in the principal diagnosis group (267 patients, 61.2%) had eye injuries which had occurred at work, whereas in the secondary diagnosis group most (230 patients, 79.3%) had eye injuries resulting from traffic accidents.

Conclusions Work-related accidents and traffic accidents were the two main types of at-risk behaviors in both the primary and secondary diagnosis categories. Initiatives for public health education related to eye injuries should pay more special attention to these two primary causes of severe eye injuries. 


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How to Cite

Anujaree P, Choovuthayakorn J, Chokesuwattanaskul S, Paspisanu C. Principal and Secondary Diagnoses Related to Eye Injury: Characteristics from a tertiary center in Northern Thailand. BSCM [internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];63(3):114-21. available from:



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