Evaluation and Comparison of Daily Total Energy Intake and Macronutrient Proportion Consumption Between Poor vs Good Glycemic Control Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A cross-sectional study at Family Medicine OPD, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, Thailand



DM, nutrition, diet, calories, glycemic control, consumption


OBJECTIVE To evaluate and compare daily total energy intake and macronutrient proportion consumption between poor and good glycemic control type 2 diabetic patients.

METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2021 to March 2022 at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Patient data was collected using a questionnaire. Dietary intake data was collected using 24-hour dietary recall and was analyzed by a dietitian. Factors and their association with poor glycemic control were analyzed.

RESULTS Of the 127 participants, 40.16% had poor glycemic control. The mean HbA1c level in the poor and the good glycemic control group was 7.67±0.61% and 6.39±0.44% respectively (p < 0.001). Among all patients, the mean total energy intake was 1,640.21±495.92 kcal/day, with mean proportions of 51.25% for carbohydrate, 16.56% for protein, and 32.12% for fat. There were no significant differences between the poor and good glycemic control groups in total energy intake (1702.63 ±503.48 kcal/day vs. 1598.32±489.65 kcal/day, p = 0.247), carbohydrate
intake (222.78±89.98 g/day vs. 203.72±79.36 g/day, p = 0.211), protein intake (70.12±21.50 g/day vs. 65.44±21.38 g/day, p = 0.230), or fat intake (58.94±19.26 g/day vs. 57.86±24.33 g/day, p = 0.790).

CONCLUSIONS The poor glycemic control group was more likely to consume more total energy and a higher proportion of carbohydrate and fat, which suggests that proper individualized dietary energy intake and diet proportions may enhance nutritional status and glycemic control.


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How to Cite

Ruangchaisiwawet A, Bankhum N, Tanasombatkul K, Yingchankul N. Evaluation and Comparison of Daily Total Energy Intake and Macronutrient Proportion Consumption Between Poor vs Good Glycemic Control Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A cross-sectional study at Family Medicine OPD, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, Thailand. BSCM [internet]. 2023 Nov. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];62(4):149-57. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CMMJ-MedCMJ/article/view/267002



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