Plastic bronchitis in a child with acute dyspnea and atelectasis: A case study


  • Sunkonkit K Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • Klibngern H Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • Mahanupab P Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • Reungrongrat S Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand


Plastic bronchitis, Bronchial cast, Children, Atelectasis


Plastic bronchitis is an uncommon pathologic cast formation in the tracheobronchial tree. A bronchial cast can cause a range of conditions ranging from mild to severe that can lead to airway obstruction.  We describe a previously healthy one-year-old boy who developed acute left lung atelectasis and respiratory distress due to plastic bronchitis.  He pre- sented with a high-grade fever and productive cough. His chest x-ray showed total left lung atelectasis. His condition did not rule out the presence of a foreign body in the airway or an obstruction due to secretion. Plastic bronchitis ob- structing the left main bronchus was diagnosed and removed by rigid bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy was crucial in this case for both diagnosis and therapeutic cast removal; however, understanding of the regulation of mucus production and clearance is vital for the prevention of new secretion obstructions.


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How to Cite

K S, H K, P M, S R. Plastic bronchitis in a child with acute dyspnea and atelectasis: A case study. BSCM [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];59(1):29-32. Available from:



Case Report