Anaphylaxis during general anesthesia: A case report and literature review
anaphylaxis, neuromuscular blocking agent, drug allergy, anesthesia, adverse drug reactionAbstract
An anaphylaxis during general anesthesia does not occur very frequent, but associates
with significant mortality. The causes of anaphylaxis can be complex because of the
large number of medications administered in the same time. All patients with history of
perioperative anaphylaxis should have an extensively appropriate evaluation. The allergist is responsible for identifying the cause and other agents likely to be safe for future
use. Here, we reported a patient with severe allergic reactions twice due to neuromuscular blocking agents; atracurium and cisatracurium, which were confirmed by allergy skin
test. Furthermore, we reviewed the literatures concerning the diagnosis and prevention
of patients with anaphylaxis in the perioperative setting.