Lantibiotics : Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity


  • Siriwoot Sookkhee Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai university, Thailand
  • Choompone Sakonwasun Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai university, Thailand


probiotic, lactic acid bacteria, lantibiotics, antimicrobial, medical applications


Lantibiotic is the antimicrobial peptides that most of them were produced from a member of lactic acid bacteria. It is classi fi ed into class I of bacteriocin. The important peptides
are nisin, lacticin 3147, and subtilin. Its propeptide consists of the lantionine or methyllantionine structures which formed during the post-translational modi fi cation. It is broad
spectrum against the various groups of bacteria. Mechanism of action depends on its
type and peptide property. Currently, some lantibiotics possess the potential to apply
for eradicating the antibiotic-resistant pathogens that may be reduced the drug resistant
problem. The present article proposes about the synthesis step and antimicrobial activity of lantibiotic and includes about the potentials for further application in the medical


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How to Cite

Sookkhee S, Sakonwasun C. Lantibiotics : Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity. BSCM [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];56(4):231-41. Available from:



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