A Study of Hemodialysis Specialist Nurse Roles
Hemodialysis specialist nurse, RoleAbstract
The purpose of this descriptive research was to study the role of hemodialysis specialist nurse by using the Delphi technique. Participants were 18 experts. The delphi technique consisted of 3 steps: Step 1: Interview experts about the role of hemodialysis specialist nurse; Step 2: Analyze the data from the interviews and create a questionnaire for the experts to estimate the importance of the role of hemodialysis specialist nurse; and Step 3: Calculate the median and interquartile range from the data from the second round and return the questionnaire to the same group of experts to confirm their answers. The data was then used to calculate the median and interquartile range again to summarize the role of hemodialysis specialist nurse. The results of the research found that: The role of the hemodialysis specialist nurse consists of 6 roles as follows: 1) The role of hemodialysis nurse practice 40 items; 2) The role of education and consultation 11 items; 3) The role of coordination and communication 7 items; 4) The role of safety and risk management manager, 10 items; 5) The role of developer of nursing quality in caring for hemodialysis patients, 12 item and 6) The role of innovation and technology initiator, 7 items. From this research, it was found that Hemodialysis specialist nurse should have roles in all 6 areas as mentioned above to serve as a guideline for nursing administrators in determining roles that are consistent with the expertise of Hemodialysis specialist nurse and as a guideline for the further development of Hemodialysis specialist nurse.
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