The Phenomenal Study of New Normal Health Behaviors from COVID-19 Pandemic among Thai People in Congested Communities, in Bangkok


  • Kanjana Punyapet Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Kotchakorn Thamnamsin Faculty of Nursing, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
  • Supranee Maneewong Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Chainarong Naktes Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Jintana Artsanthia Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


COVID-19 Pandemic, Health Behaviors, New Normal, Congested Communities


This study was a mixed method research which aimed to study the knowledge of COVID-19, perception of self-care ability, new normal health behaviors and phenomena of health behavior from COVID-19 pandemic among Thai People in Bangkok’s congested communities. Quantitative data were collected by knowledge test and questionnaires. Participants were selected by multi-stage random sampling including 359 persons and qualitative data were gathered using in-depth interviews with 10 participants: 3 community leaders, 4 community health volunteers and 2 persons in the community. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study revealed that knowledge of COVID-19 was moderate level (Mean = 9.74, SD = 1.83) perception of self-care ability overall was moderate level (Mean = 2.62, SD = .50). New normal health behavior after COVID-19 overall was good level (Mean = 103.03, SD = 6.52) wear a face mask or cloth mask before leaving the house (Mean = 3.94, SD = .25) hand washing with soap or alcohol gel after touching things in public (Mean = 3.81, SD = .41) and the least was exercising at least 3 times/week (Mean = 2.40, SD = .93). Study of new normal health behavior phenomena from the COVID-19 pandemic among Thai People in Bangkok’s congested communities, a change in lifestyle to a new normal of life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From the experience of performing duties of community leaders and public health volunteers during COVID-19 pandemic. Community health volunteers played important role in good management by having a major team and potential manpower and creating a system of participation in communities. There was a management process by “Demarcation of responsibility zones and good coordination”. Therefore, creating a good management system, strengthening the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in communities by having community health volunteers covering all communities in Bangkok, developing leader potential, creating network partners inside and outside the community and supporting community members. The communication is accurate, reliable, concise, and fast. 


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How to Cite

Punyapet, K., Thamnamsin, K., Maneewong, S., Naktes, C., & Artsanthia, J. (2024). The Phenomenal Study of New Normal Health Behaviors from COVID-19 Pandemic among Thai People in Congested Communities, in Bangkok. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(1), 139–151. Retrieved from



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