Exploratory factor analysis of sufficient health of undergraduate students


  • Athcha Chuenboon School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Tipat Sottiwan Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Srisamorn Sintub School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Manowut Jiradilok School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Chayarat Boonputtikorn Faculty of Industrial Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Chutathip Thawornratana Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University, Khamphaeng Saen Campus
  • Natthakitta Florentine Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University
  • Chisanupong Thongpuang Faculty of Multidisciplinary, Christian University


Exploratory factor analysis, sufficient health, undergraduate students


This research aims to analyzing exploratory factors of the self-sufficiency health of undergraduate students. The sample was obtained using the stratified random sampling method. 404 people, used as questionnaire tools. With reliability equal to 0.92. Analyze data using exploratory factor analysis with key components. Rotation of right-angle elements with the Varimax method. The results of the research showed that there are 8 components of self-sufficiency health of undergraduate students: Component 1: Good community, Component 2: Good family, Component 3: immunity and stability, Component 4: risk avoidance, Component 5: rationality and morality, Component 6: good self-care, Component 7: healthy, Component 8: living well. From the eight elements mention above. It is suggested that educational institution adopt its development, and promote student’s health in according with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in terms of integration in the curriculum and activities at the institutional level.


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How to Cite

Chuenboon, A., Sottiwan, T., Sintub, S., Jiradilok, M., Boonputtikorn, C., Thawornratana, C., Florentine, N., & Thongpuang, C. (2024). Exploratory factor analysis of sufficient health of undergraduate students. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(1), 25–36. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/268504



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