The Relationships Between the Future Skills of Head Nurses and the Organizational Commitment Among Professional Nurses of Private Hospitals in Bangkok


  • Watanyoo Pratumchumpoo Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Panta Apiruknapanond Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Suwannee Laorpuksin Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Rata Srisa-ar Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


Future skills of head nurses, Commitment Towards the Organization, Professional nurses


This research was a descriptive research. To study the relationship between the future skills of head nurses and professional perceived nurses’ commitment to the organization. Private hospital in Bangkok With 80-150 beds from random simpling the population is professional nurses hospital in Bangkok who work full time from the group of 3 hospitals. By using the calculation method with the G*Power program, the sample size was 102 people. The tools used in the research consisted of Personal information questionnaire. Questionnaire on future skills of head nurses according to the perceptions of professional nurses which has a reliability value of 0.99 and the questionnaire on organizational commitment of professional nurses at private hospitals in Bangkok which has a confidence value of 0.85. Data were analyzed by averaging. standard deviation and Spearman’s correlation coefficient.The results of the research found that the future skills of head nurses as perceived by professional nurses as a whole At the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.53, SD = 0.38), professional nurses are committed to the organization as a whole. At a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.30, SD = 0.31), future skills of head nurses had a moderate positive relationship (r = 0.39) with professional perceived nurses’ commitment to the organization. Private hospital in Bangkok Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.The results of this research suggest that the trategies by used to develop the executive of head nurses and their commitment to the organization. and plan to develop the skills of the head nurse to selve the ploplem, the sensitive of personal and digital. And study nurse’ commitment to the organization of private hospital in Bangkok


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How to Cite

Pratumchumpoo, W., Apiruknapanond, P., Laorpuksin, S., & Srisa-ar, R. (2024). The Relationships Between the Future Skills of Head Nurses and the Organizational Commitment Among Professional Nurses of Private Hospitals in Bangkok. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(1), 206–216. Retrieved from



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