Exploratory Factor Analysis of Adaptive Performance Scale and Counterproductive Work Behaviors Performance Scale of Nurse Unit Managers in Private Hospitals Post COVID Pandemic
adaptive performance, counterproductive work behaviors, nurse unit managersAbstract
The purpose of this research was to analyze the exploratory components of adaptive performance scale (ADPS) and counterproductive work behaviors performance scale (CWBPS) of nurse unit managers in JCI private hospitals post COVID pandemic. The sample consisted of 230 nurse unit managers in private hospitals, selected by inclusion criteria. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires on demographic data, ADPS, CWBPS. Five Likert-scale questionnaires 10 items were used as a research instrument, has a content validity index was .1.00 and the alpha coefficient reliability was .88 and .85 respectively. The data were analyzed by an exploratory factor analysis to extract the components by principal component analysis and varimax orthogonal method.
The results of ADPS components measured from 5 indicators, factor loading of the component in the range was .592 - .782, in particular 51.710 percent of all components could explain the ADPS. And CWBPS components measured from 5 indicators, factor loading of the component in the range was .670 - .764, in particular 52.672 percent of all components could explain the CWBPS.
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