The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with HIV


  • Panta Apiruknapanond Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Puangtip Chaiphibalsarisdi Faculty of Nursing, Metharath University
  • Wanida Srivorakul Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Maneerat Phaktoop Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Jarunee Arunrau Nursing Department, Prannangklao Hospital


HIV people, impact of pandemic COVID 19


This descriptive research, objectives were studied effect of pandemic COVID 19 on HIV people. There are physical dimension, knowledge, anxiety, self-care, and correlation between age, infected years, social support, income, number of physician visiting, anxiety of pandemic COVID 19, and self-care on HIV people. The sample was 104 of HIV people who has treatment at public hospital. Sampling by chance.  The instruments were used in this study, there were an instrument from faculty of nursing, University of California, San Francisco and faculty of nursing, John Hopkins University, USA. Statistic was descriptive statistic and Pearson Correlation. Research result: mean age of sample was 44.58 years, infected years average 13.02, they had sex with spouse in the past year 88.5%, visit physician average 3.35 times, by face to face 83.7 %. All of them had gotten the HIV anti-virus, and viral load testing is none and very low 83.7%. Social support was at the good level, anxiety level, and self-care, at the moderate level. From the study, there were 5 pairs of the variable had correlation shown as: 1) age of HIV people positive correlated with infected years at moderate level ,(r= .54, p-value < .01) 2) income had positive correlated with  social support at the lower level (r = .23, p-value < .05) 3) infected years positive correlated with number of physician visiting at lower level (r = -.20, p-value < .05) 4) social support positive correlated with self-care of HIV people  at the lower level (r = .21, p value < .05) The suggestion from the research for supporting  and promoting  self-care for HIV people and develop literacy model for promoting self-care of HIV people.


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How to Cite

Apiruknapanond, P., Chaiphibalsarisdi, P., Srivorakul, W., Phaktoop, M., & Arunrau, J. (2023). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with HIV. Journal of health and health management, 9(2), 217–229. retrieved from



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