Role of Registered Nurse in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Caring towards Best Nursing Practice in New-Normal Era


  • Angkana Chongjarearn Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


best nursing practice, Peritoneal dialysis patient, New-Normal Era


This article aims to present the specific roles of peritoneal dialysis(PD) nurses after the COVID-19 outbreak. This outbreak leads to changes in lifestyles which are different from the past. The role of PD nurses, in addition to having knowledge in nursing practice for specific groups of patients, also need to know the appropriate innovation and technology which is suitable for the end stage kidney disease (ESKD) patient in the new normal era. To design patient care program for the patient to perform home-based peritoneal dialysis by oneself, to prevent and control infection and spread of germs. The key components of the best nursing practice in caring for ESKD patients consist of 9 aspects: 1) Counseling for pre-dialysis 2) Caring for patients who decided to PD 3) Teaching in how to perform PD in the new-normal era 4) Peritonitis assessment and prevention 5) Evaluating the adequacy of PD  6) Follow-up and home visit 7) Providing knowledge about managing oneself and one’s family 8) Psychological promotion and support, and 9) Further development in innovation production. All components should be adjusted and adapted for each patient’s specific situation and keep track of reviewing the new knowledge to care for patients with PD regularly. To create the best outcome and quality of care for patients with PD and to promote the best quality of care for patients and family in the new normal era.


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How to Cite

Chongjarearn, A. (2023). Role of Registered Nurse in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Caring towards Best Nursing Practice in New-Normal Era. Journal of Health and Health Management, 9(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



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