A Study of Nurse Administrators’ Management During the COVID-19 Situation
Nursing Administrators, Management, COVID -19 SituationAbstract
The objective of this qualitative research was to study the management of nurse administrators during the COVID-19 situation. Twelve informants were selected by purposive sampling according to their qualifications; the director of nursing, nurse manager or nurse supervisor, and first-line nurse manager in public and private hospitals. The research tool was the structured in-depth interview that tested for content validity by qualified experts. Data were analyzed by a content analysis method. The research results found that the management of nursing administrators during the COVID-19 situation included 1) making nursing service provision changes to suit the situation; improving services and the location, 2) reducing the risk of infection in the hospital; standard precaution, and 3) providing adequate nursing personnel; nursing rotation, building morale. The result of this study can be used as basic information for nursing administrators to prepare for nursing service management planning in other emerging disease crises that correspond to the Thai context.
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