Effects of Kinesiotape on Vertical Jump Height and Ankle Functional Performance in Badminton Players with Chronic Ankle Sprain: Pilot Study


  • Tossaporn Suijai Faculty of physical therapy, Saint Louis College
  • Usa Karukunchit Faculty of physical therapy, Saint Louis College
  • Phapisara Yaibua Freelance Physical Therapist
  • Duangjai Chanapol Faculty of physical therapy, Saint Louis College


ankle sprains, kinesiotape, vertical jump height, hexagon hop test, side hop test


Ankle sprains are common injuries among badminton players. Abnormal foot alignment increases risk of ankle sprain. Chronic ankle sprains can lead to have ankle instability, decrease vertical jump height and ankle performance. Kinesiotape for mechanical correction technique is used to facilitate neural position and increase joint position awareness. The objective of study was to compare an  immedius effect of kinesiotape between mechanical correction technique with tension and non-tension on vertical jump height and ankle functional performance in badminton players with chronic ankle sprain. The study was cross-over experimental designs. Twelves badminton players aged 18-30 years (mean age 20.41 ±2.31 year old) with chronic ankle sprain and abnormal foot alignment were recruited. All participants were randomly assigned to apply kinesiotape for mechanical correction technique with tension and non-tension tapes. Vertical jump height, hexagon hop test and side hop test were collected by a blinded assessor at baseline and 30 minutes after taping for each group. All participants were assigned rest 7 days and reassessment all test again but using other group. Statistical analysis for comparing mean difference between groups were analyzed by dependent Samples T-Test. Hexagon hop test (p = 0.039) and side hop test (p = 0.020) showed a statistically significant difference between kinesiotape for mechanical correction technique with non-tension and tension group. However, there was no significant difference in vertical jump height when compared between groups (p = 0.103). Immediately effect of kinesiotape for mechanical correction technique can improve ankle functional performance in chronic ankle sprain.


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How to Cite

Suijai, T., Karukunchit, U., Yaibua, P., & Chanapol, D. (2022). Effects of Kinesiotape on Vertical Jump Height and Ankle Functional Performance in Badminton Players with Chronic Ankle Sprain: Pilot Study. Journal of health and health management, 8(2), 157–167. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/260052



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