The Effect of Using Mentorship Model on Professional Nurses' Confidence in Performing Head Nurse Roles


  • Neungruthai Eakapinya Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Gunyadar Prachusilpa Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Maleewan Lertsakornsiri Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


Mentorship model, Confidence in performing head nurse roles


This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the confidence in performing the role of the head nurse of professional nurses before and after using the mentoring nurse model to prepare professional nurses to become head nurses. The research model was one group pretest-posttest among 20 head nurses to more than 3 years of experience selected as mentors and 20 professional nurses in each ward at Samutprakarn Hospital. The experimental instrument includes the mentor's handbook, the mentors' training program, and the action plan. The instrument used to direct the experiments were the mentor's knowledge assessment form and the mentor's activity record form. The instrument used to collect data is a confidential assessment form. The data was compiled professional nurses’ confidence in performing head nurse roles created by the researcher and validated by experts, and it has a reliability of .93 The data were analyzed by frequency, percent, median and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results showed that after using mentorship model, professional nurses had shown higher level of their confidential in performing head nurse roles at the 0.05 level.


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How to Cite

Eakapinya, N., Prachusilpa, G., & Lertsakornsiri, M. (2023). The Effect of Using Mentorship Model on Professional Nurses’ Confidence in Performing Head Nurse Roles. Journal of Health and Health Management, 9(2), 66–77. Retrieved from



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