An evaluation of telenursing health promotion in pregnancy women by student nurses, Saint Louis College
telenursing, student nurseAbstract
Situation of COVID-19 pandemic, had an effect to nursing education system from practicing onsite in the hospital to conduct via telenursing. Objective of this descriptive research was an evaluation of telenursing health promotion in pregnancy women by student nurses of Saint Louis College. The purposive sample consisted of 50 fourth-year nursing students, who were enrolled in the Maternal- Child Nursing and Midwifery practicum 2 during the second semester of 2020. Research instruments were comprised of 1) demographic data 2) an evaluation of telenursing health promotion in pregnancy women by student nurses: input, process and output and 3) the satisfaction telenursing health promotion in pregnancy women by student nurses. The Index of item Objective Congruence (IOC) was between 0.8 and 1. The reliability of overall questionnaire input, process, output and satisfaction, using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, were 0.78, 0.86, 0.96 and 0.88 respectively. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistic.The results of this study showed that: the mean of overall input, process and output was at the highest level ( = 3.59, S.D = 0.38;( = 3.80, S.D = 0.34;( = 3.64, S.D = 0.34 respectively). Additionally, the student nurses were satisfied with overall telenursing mean at the highest level ( = 3.80, S.D = 0.34). It is suggested that telenursing technology should be used for health promotion amongst pregnant women in clinical areas.
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