Promoting Elderly Competency on Health Literacy and Self-Efficacy on Health Care


  • Rangsiya Narin Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


health literacy, Self-Efficacy on Health Care, elderly


Promoting of the elderly competency is a challenge to accommodate the aging society in accordance with the new normal lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the elderly competency promotion for enhancing health care in Si Bua Ban sub-district, Lamphun province, during September 2020-August 2021. The sample group in the group discussion consisted of 24 elderly leaders, purposive selected and the sample group for the evaluation was 50 elderly persons, randomly chosen simply. The tools were consist of guideline questions for group discussion, health literacy, perception of competency in community health care management, and satisfaction in organizing the project questionnaires. The qualitative data were analyzed for content analyzing and quantitative data were analzyed with descriptive statistics.

The results showed: 1) Social capital has policies, plans, and operations to support health care management for all groups of elderly people. The goal is for equal health care; 2) Import factors; There were academic socially-engage scholarship services from Chiang Mai University which have knowledgeable speakers to transfer content of experiences; 3) Process, have network partners to conduct training activities, provide knowledge, home visit and study trips to exchange knowledge; and 4) Productivity with health literacy and perception of competency in community health care management, and project satisfaction with highest scores. Therefore, the competence of the elderly should be promoted through the implementation network for effective community health care management.


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How to Cite

Narin, R. (2022). Promoting Elderly Competency on Health Literacy and Self-Efficacy on Health Care. Journal of health and health management, 8(2), 168–180. retrieved from



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