The Development of Training Program to Enhance Counseling Competency of School Teacher for The Blind


  • Panavipa Bannakiat Faculty of Nursing, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Suwanna Anusanti Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Nirassiri Rojanadhamkul Faculty of Nursing, Asia-Pacific International University


Training curriculum, teacher competency development, counseling


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop a training program to enhance the competency of teachers in schools for the blind in mental health counseling for students with defective vision; and 2) to study the mental health counseling competency of these school teachers of students with defective vision after the training. The research process consisted of 1) studying the background information; 2) developing a training program to enhance mental health counseling competency of school teachers for the blind; 3) verification of the effectiveness of the training program; and 4) revision the training program. The sample group consisted of 25 teachers who were responsible for counseling duties in schools for the blind. The research instruments consisted of the training program, an achievement test, an attitude assessment towards counseling, an evaluation of counseling ability, and a satisfaction assessment test. The data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results were as follows: 1) Based on the evaluation results, the training program was determined to be highly appropriate and consistent in every aspect 2) The participants’ knowledge and attitudes towards counseling after training was higher than before training and higher than the set criterion at significant statistical level of .05


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How to Cite

Bannakiat, P., Anusanti, S., & Rojanadhamkul, N. (2022). The Development of Training Program to Enhance Counseling Competency of School Teacher for The Blind. Journal of health and health management, 8(1), 165–178. retrieved from



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