The Effects of a Self-awareness Promotion and Health Empowerment Program on Preventive Behaviors regarding Low Birth Weight Infant Among High Risk Pregnant Women at Ban Dung District, Udon Thani Province
Self-awareness, Health Empowerment, Low Birth Weight Infant, Preventive Behavior, High-Risk Pregnant WomenAbstract
The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effects of a self-awareness promotion and health empowerment program on low-birth-weight infant preventive behaviors of high-risk pregnant women. The sample consisted of 60 pregnant women at risk of giving birth to low-birth-weight infants who attended the antenatal clinic at the Bandung Crown Prince Hospital network, during June to August 2021, selected from Low Birth weight rate exceeds the benchmark by purposive sampling, and they were divided into the experimental (30) and the comparative (30) groups. The research instruments included: 1) the program for self-awareness and health empowerment promotion. The activities comprised: (1) developing self-awareness (2) head empowerment (3) heart empowerment and (4) hand empowerment; and 2) a low-birth-weight infant preventive behaviors questionnaire, the content validity index (CVI) score of which was .99, and the reliability was .85 Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test.
The result revealed as follows. After receiving the program, low-birth-weight infant preventive behaviors of women in the experimental group were significantly better than before receiving the program (M = 3.67, SD = .12; M = 2.82, SD = .33), and their behavior was also better than those of women in the comparative group (M = 3.67, SD = .12; M = 3.07, SD = .18) (p < .001).
The result showed that the program for self-awareness and health empowerment promotion could help high-risk pregnant women improve preventive behaviors for low-birth-weight rate. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the program at antenatal clinic. This could enhance high risk pregnant women’s self-care behaviors and decrease low birth weight rat.
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