The Participatory Action Research of Wisdom-based Elderly Innovation Learning Center Development for Quality-of-Life Improvement in Huasaphan Sub-district and Wang Tako Sub-district, Mueang district Phetchaburi Province
Development Learning Center, Wisdom-based, Innovation Elderly, Quality-of-LifeAbstract
This participatory action research aims to 1) study the context of the quality of life, the ability to access health and social services, and the elderly’s knowledge of herbal wisdom; 2) develop an innovative learning center for the elderly based on wisdom for Quality-of-Life Improvement, Hua-Sa-Phan Sub-district and Wang-Ta-Ko Sub-district, Mueang District, Phetchaburi Province. The sample consisted of 300 elderly people in Hua-Sa-Phan Sub-district and Wang-Ta-Ko Sub-district. In-depth questionnaires and interviews were analyzed by quantitative data such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t-test, and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis, quintessential analysis, and data verification.
The results showed that the overall quality of life of the elderly was moderate ( = 23.89, SD 4.21), the ability to access health and social services was moderate (
= 3.03, SD 0.42), and the elderly’s knowledge of herbal wisdom was at a fair level (
= 67.82, SD 0.99). A model for developing an innovation learning center for the elderly was based on wisdom using the SITCOM-Petch-Hua-Wang principle. After developing an innovation learning center for the elderly based on wisdom, it was found that the overall quality of life of the elderly and their access to health and social services were not significantly higher statistically. On the other hand, social welfare and health and knowledge of herbal wisdom were significantly higher (p 0.001), as well as the dimension of self-health behavior change.
In the next research, the key points of the innovator should be defined and summarized: innovation and an innovation learning center for the elderly to determine how to develop the potential of those involved to raise the quality of life for the elderly.
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