The Development of a Project-based Instructional Plan for 901033 Life Style and Culture Course


  • Pavadee Ramsit School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Athcha Chuenboon School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Bhakhakanok Ratanawaraphorn Phum Pandin Institute of Technology
  • Chutima Saengdararat School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Phisulee Sroimori School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Warinda Kanjanatarangkoon Chaofa Ubolratana School
  • Sarawut Mungsoongnern School of General Education, Saint Louis College
  • Duangduen Satraphat Faculty of Psychology, Saint Louis College


Project-based Instructional Plan, Life Style and Culture Course


The purposes of this classroom action research were 1) to develop a project-based instructional plan for the course of Life Style and Culture. 2) to compare the achievement in Life Style and Culture before and after participating in the project-based instructional plan activities. and 3) to study the learning outcomes according to the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. The total population consisted of 141 students. They were 129 Nursing students and 12 Psychology students of Saint Louis College, enrolled this course in the second semester, academic year 2019. The research instruments included a project - based instructional plans in Life Style and Culture, an achievement test paper, and a questionnaire on the students’ satisfaction towards participating in the activities of the project-based instructional plan in Life Style and Culture. The mean, standard deviation, and t-test for independent samples were used data analysis, with .05 level of significant references.

The findings revealed that 1) The index of consistency values of this project-based instructional plan was found to be between 0.67- 1.00, which can be claimed that the plan was effective to be implemented. 2) The posttest mean scores was found significantly higher than the pretest mean scores at .05 level and 3) the learning outcomes according to the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education was found  at the high level.


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How to Cite

Ramsit, P., Chuenboon, A., Ratanawaraphorn, B., Saengdararat, C., Sroimori, P., Kanjanatarangkoon, W., Mungsoongnern, S., & Satraphat, D. (2022). The Development of a Project-based Instructional Plan for 901033 Life Style and Culture Course. Journal of health and health management, 8(2), 80–90. retrieved from



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