Health Status of the Primary School-age Children, Sathorn District, Bangkok


  • Supranee Noitung Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Suwannee Laoopugsin Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Chainarong Naktes Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


health status, health problems, school age children, factors related to health behavior


The objectives of this study were 1) to survey the prevalence rate of health problems, 2) to explore the health behaviors, and 3) to investigate the factors related to health behaviors among primary school-aged children. The samples comprised of 458 grade 6 students in Sathorn District, Bangkok. The data were collected by 3 sets of self-administered questionnaires which were 1) the health status and health behavior assessment form, 2) EQ assessment form and 3) SDQ screening form developed by Mental Health Department with .89, .90 and .79 of Alpha’s Cronbach Coefficient, respectively. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and Chi-Square test.

The main findings were: 5.4 percent of the students were underweight while 11.2 percent were overweight according to the criterion. 7.2 percent were short. 50.4 percent of the students had dental caries. 27.5 percent and 22.3-31.0 percent of the students had EQ score and SDQ score below normal range respectively. Factors related to nutritional behaviors were self-weight recognition in weight (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}= 10.873), having self-discipline in activities related to weight control (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}= 11.554) and benefiting from being in shape (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}=9.211) and factors related to emotional health were having time to talk with their parents (c2=9.583), having a career goal (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}=7.181) and being inspired (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}=14.402) and factors related to health behaviors were having time to talk with their parents (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}=8.457), having a career goal (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}=5.782) and received rewards or being commended (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}=3.957).

Suggestion: School activities to correct nutritional behavior should focus on correcting awareness of students' weight and the benefits of having the appropriate behaviors. The family or school staff have to regularly provide time for the students. Recommend Appropriate television programs for career and life inspiration should be recommended to the students.


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How to Cite

Noitung, S., Laoopugsin, S., & Naktes, C. (2021). Health Status of the Primary School-age Children, Sathorn District, Bangkok. Journal of Health and Health Management, 7(2), 47–64. Retrieved from



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