The Role of Leisure Activity and The Christianity Churches of Thailand


  • Pornchan Lojanasupareuk Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkean Campus


Role, Leisure Activity, Christianity churches of Thailand


Most of people have desired to be happy so they will search for any activities that they can enjoy doing in order to relaxing and release pressures from their daily routine jobs. Therefore, religious activities or other practices lead to express and support our faith is one of the choices that can choose on theirs free time to experience the sense of serenity, peaceful minds and new hope in lives. The Christianity Churches of Thailand are the place that the believers come together in worship, who trust in The Almighty God and the organization that welcomes everyone to get involve in the rituals service and various leisure activities on Sunday and weekdays. The purpose of the leisure activities are not only anyone come to join but also can benefit in the developing a successful lives in four dimensions need such physical, mind, spiritual and social. Most leisure activities and the teaching are based on the life’s applications from the Bible that’s very helpful the fundamental for happiness. The leisure activities are based on age groups so everyone can join, there are singing, sports and games, sport clinics, meditation. Thailand Churches want to be a part of society and providing all activities for anyone that’s looking for using their leisure time wisely for each individual live a happy life.


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How to Cite

Lojanasupareuk, P. (2021). The Role of Leisure Activity and The Christianity Churches of Thailand. Journal of Health and Health Management, 7(1), 1–12. Retrieved from



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