Comparison for Immediate Effect of Cardiovascular Response Between Hula Hoop Game by Nintendo Wii® and Hula Hoop Exercise in Healthy Women


  • Sarayoot Mongkol Faculty of Physical Therapy, Saint Louis College
  • Jitraporn Sriboonpeng Faculty of Physical Therapy, Saint Louis College
  • Vasita Autthiya Physical Therapist, Village International Co.,Ltd
  • Suttida Nunta Physical Therapist, The Akkara Care
  • Supranee Prapala Physical Therapist, Arun Health Garden


VO2max, Healthy, Nintendo wii®, Hula hoop


Hula hoop exercise is a type of aerobic exercise that affect the functioning of cardiovascular. The aim of this study was compared the immediately effect of cardiovascular response between hula hoop game by Nintendo Wii® and hula hoop exercise in healthy women. Fifty healthy women with 18-22 years were divided into two groups; compose of the Hula hoop exercise group (n=25) and Hula hoop game by Nintendo wii® exercise group (n=25). All participants were evaluated %HRmax, SBP, DBP, RR, RPE, and VO2max were evaluated immediately after exercise. The result showed there was no significant difference of the immediate effect of the %HRmax, SBP, DBP, RR, RPE, and VO2max. In conclusion, the immediate effect of cardiovascular response between hula hoop game by Nintendo Wii® and hula hoop exercise was not different in healthy women. Also, the hula hoop game by Nintendo wii® may be the other option of exercise that is a fun exercise, visual feedback, does not cause injury to the body and encourages interested people to turn to exercise more.


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How to Cite

Mongkol, S., Sriboonpeng, J., Autthiya, V., Nunta, S., & Prapala, S. (2020). Comparison for Immediate Effect of Cardiovascular Response Between Hula Hoop Game by Nintendo Wii® and Hula Hoop Exercise in Healthy Women. Journal of Health and Health Management, 6(2), 81–90. Retrieved from



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