Study of Cultural Competency of Students in Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis college


  • Sakawduan Odeme Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Supawan Tanuparbrungson Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


cultural competency, nursing student


This research is descriptive research that aims to study the level of cultural competency and to compare the cultural competency of third-year and fourth-year nursing students in Saint Louis College. The sample group was third-year students (140 students) and fourth-year students (137 students) in the academic year 2019 and used the total selection. Tools used in this research can be divided into two parts; Part 1: personal characteristics and Part 2: cultural competency. These tools are applied from the Cambinha-Bachot’s concept, which composes of cultural knowledge, cultural awareness, cultural skills, interacting with others from different cultures, and the desire for cultural competency. Data analysis was done by finding the mean deviation and t-test score. The research’s results showed that the third-year and the fourth third-year students had a moderate level of overall cultural competency. When comparing the cultural competency between the third-year and the fourth third-year students, there was no statistically significant difference. The research’s results will be used as base information for teaching and learning management to promote aesthetic awareness, which is the first step in developing cultural competency.


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How to Cite

Odeme, S., & Tanuparbrungson, S. (2021). Study of Cultural Competency of Students in Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis college. Journal of Health and Health Management, 7(1), 37–48. Retrieved from



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