The Study of Quality of Life of Students in Saint Louis College
development, quality of life, studentsAbstract
This study was Mix method research. The purpose was to know and develope the quality of life of the 1st-4th year students from nursing faculty, physical therapy, and psychology in Saint Louis College. The samples included 10 faculties, 9 personal supports, and the 1st-4th year 256 students in Saint Louis College. The samples were selected by multi-stage sampling. The research instruments were interview and questionnaire consisting of personal data, and quality of life of students. The questionnaire was validated by 3 experts reviewers. The content validity was .89 and reliability was .95. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The results indicated that the 1st-4th year students from nursing faculty, physical therapy, and psychology with an average score of the total quality of life 3.90 (SD = .36) at a high level. Quality of life in social relations had the highest average, and the lowest average score was the quality of life in environment. To improve the total quality of life of must systematically consider all aspects, especially the environment with the lowest average scores. The cooperation from everyone such as faculties, personnel and students was necessary by providing opportunities in development.
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