The Roles of Nurses in Disaster Mitigation: a Case of The Massacre at Nakhon Ratchasima
The Roles of Nurses, Disaster Mitigation, MassacreAbstract
This article aimed to present the roles of nurses in disaster mitigation based on a case of massacre at one of the Department Stores in Nakhon Ratchasima, which was a “disaster” caused by human action affecting the Thai people. Nurses must apply knowledge, ability, agility, and emergency nursing skills to work . There are three phases of nurse role in disaster mitigation: 1) Before the disaster, nurses must focus on the prevention and education of the public to be able to plan, prevent, and arrange for these incidents using escape-hide-fight methods not only that, health care provider must also rehearse the action plan for disaster preparation, 2) During the disaster , nurses emphasize coordination, team division, patient separation to help the injured victims, and 3) After the disaster, the nurse roles are a good remedy for patient ‘s recovery. It includes the visit to victims’ homes and their families to take care of their mental health after the massacre, advise them to refrain from exaggerated news and media, listen with empathy, attention and understanding.
Lesson learn from this case study hopes nurses to be prepared in handling the ever-increasing human disasters in the future.Furthermore, the educational institutions should include the topics of disaster nursing and nursing for disaster victims in the curriculum to prepare nurses at the bachelor degree. Therefore, nurses play various important roles in the care and help of patients in the event of a disaster.
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