The Relationships between Selected Factors and Quality of Life of Nursing Students in the Private Higher Education Institution


  • Maleewan Lertsakornsiri Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Wilawan Phengpanich Faculty of Nursing, Bangkokthonburi University


quality of life of nursing students, private higher education institution


This descriptive research was conducted to examine the relationships between selected factors and quality of life of nursing students in the private higher education institution. The samples were 324 of the first-fourth year nursing students from 4 institutions. The samples were selected by stratified random sampling. The research tools were questionnaires consisting of personal data, selected factors, and quality of life of nursing students. The questionnaires were validated by three experts. The content validity of the selected factors, and quality of life of nursing students were .91 and .89, the reliability were .96 and .95, respectively. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The results indicated that the nursing students had average scores of quality of life at good level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.87, SD=.50). The selected factors such as teaching behavior of instructors, physical condition, student adaptability, learning attitude, learning future-oriented, the relationships between students and instructors, friends, and parents were statistically significant at the positive moderate relationship with quality of life of nursing students at p < .01 (r=.642, .585, .515, .475, .445, .568, .495, and .329, respectively). This study suggests that the higher education institution should consider the allocation of various related things in order to increase quality of life of nursing students.


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How to Cite

Lertsakornsiri, M., & Phengpanich, W. (2020). The Relationships between Selected Factors and Quality of Life of Nursing Students in the Private Higher Education Institution. Journal of Health and Health Management, 6(2), 16–27. Retrieved from



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