Coping with Financial Stress During the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic


  • Rapeepong Youngwarasawasd Chulavej Hospital
  • Punvadee Somkittikanon Faculty of Psychology, Saint Louis College


Coping with financial stress, The Corona virus 2019 pandemic


The situation of Corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic obviously affected various circumstances especially daily life styles of the people. Significantly, the government has declared Emergency Decree on Public Administration since March 26, 2020 until now, prohibition of leaving the home between 10 pm – 4 am or curfew, social distancing and regulations campaigning people to work from home instead, in order to stop rapid spread. These situations have affected a large number of people to stop working for a while, with salary deduction or unemployment. Most employees had not enough money to spend for their livings.

Consequently, financial stress has suddenly occurred as their life crisis confrontation. Therefore, appropriate interventions must be essentially established in helping them to cope with financial stress effectively. They are advisable as follows: 1. Accepting the current states of affairs; 2. Determining the causes of behavior affected financial problems; 3. Being more conscious and understand financial conditions and mental health of their owns; 4. Searching suitable coping options in solving those confronted situations. 5.Encouraging themselves and seeking family supports; 6. Managing quality of daily lives more effectively; and 7. Finding more appropriate approaches to live peacefully from financial management .


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How to Cite

Youngwarasawasd, R., & Somkittikanon, P. (2020). Coping with Financial Stress During the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic. Journal of Health and Health Management, 6(1), 1–9. Retrieved from



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