Comparison the happiness of Thai elderly 4.0 who lived in community and foster home
happiness of Thailand 4.0 elderly, community, foster homeAbstract
The objective of this research was to study the happiness level of Thai elderly in Thailand 4.0 who lived in community and foster homes. The 120 samples consisted of 60 Thai elderly who lived in community with their families, and the others 60 who lived in the foster homes. The instrument was questionnaires consisted of 30 questions, developed from the Elderly Mental Health Assessment and Thai Happiness Scales from Mental Health Department of Thailand. The content validity was 0.87, and reliability was 0.93. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, and compared the average of happiness between the elderly in the community and in the foster homes by independent t-test. The results indicated that the average of Thailand 4.0 elderly’s happiness was at a high level, average score 3.52. When considered the two separate groups, the happiness of Thai elderly who lived in community was high level, average scores 3.60 while the happiness of Thai elderly who lived in foster homes was medium level ,average scores 3.44. When considered in every aspect, the psychological happiness of both groups were high level ,average scores were 3.77 and 3.52 respectively , while the physical happiness of both groups were medium level, average scores 3.49 and 3.46 respectively. The comparison of elderly’s happiness in community and in foster homes has shown the statistical significance (p < .05), that the happiness level of elderly who lived in community was higher than who lived in foster homes. This study suggest that Thailand 4.0 elderly both in community and in foster homes should have a chance to live with their families in community, and do some social activities by giving supports and providing them some necessary technology, as well as good and safe environment for social accessibility.
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