The Development of Healthcare Quality in the Hemodialysis Unit Using KM Model: The Story of Success


  • สมศรี สุเมธ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยเซนต์หลุยส์


knowledge management, development of healthcare quality, hemodialysis unit, the story of success


Knowledge management is a principal instrument for the development of healthcare quality, especially for chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. The process of knowledge management involves all healthcare stakeholders, each of whom must understand his/her role and the rules of engagement. Initially, all participants must attend knowledge-related activities and practise recounting events for knowledge sharing and mutual learning purposes. The leader of the knowledge sharing and mutual learning activities should be able to create a friendly atmosphere that encourages all the participants to share their experience of good healthcare practices.

This paper presents chronic renal failure patients’ experience with the process of hemodialysis they underwent at a private hospital. This study was conducted over a period of six months, during which the knowledge management programme was implemented. After that, the programme was evaluated for its effectiveness. The study showed significant improvement in the patients’ quality of life, and a significant increase in both the patients’ and the healthcare providers’ satisfaction with the healthcare process, compared with before the implementation of the knowledge management programme. In addition, this study identified factors of success and offered recommendations based on the implemented programme.


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How to Cite

สุเมธ ส. (2014). The Development of Healthcare Quality in the Hemodialysis Unit Using KM Model: The Story of Success. Journal of Health and Health Management, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from



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