The Related Factors of Depression among the Elderly in Suburb Community, Bangkok


  • อรพรรณ ลือบุญธวัชชัย คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี
  • สุชาติ พันธุ์ลาภ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี


suburb community, depression, elderly


The objectives of this descriptive research were to study the depression level and to investigate the factors that correlated with depression of the elderly person in suburb community, Bangkok. Samples of this study were 130 persons who came in mental health clinic of psychiatric hospital and public health center in suburb community, Bangkok. The instruments of this study were demographic data questionnaires, the Thai geriatric depression scale, Self-esteem scale, and Social support questionnaires. All of these instruments were validated by three experts and tested for reliability by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The reliability of the scales were 0.81, 0.63, and 0.97 respectively. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, Chi-square test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of this study revealed that the mean score of depression of the elderly in suburb community, Bangkok were mild level. The factors that correlation significantly at 0.05 level with depression were 1) the person who has been psychiatric history was positive correlation with depression 2) self- esteem, and social support were negative correlation with depression at -0.567 and -0.454, respectively.


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How to Cite

ลือบุญธวัชชัย อ., & พันธุ์ลาภ ส. (2016). The Related Factors of Depression among the Elderly in Suburb Community, Bangkok. Journal of health and health management, 3(3), 25–36. retrieved from



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