The Implementation of Anatomical Cards for Transferring the Knowledge into Basic Nursing Practices towards Learning Standard


  • มงคล การุณงามพรรณ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยเซนต์หลุยส์
  • สุดารัตน์ สุวารี คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยเซนต์หลุยส์


anatomy, anatomical cards, practice in basic nursing skill


Anatomy is one of the professional foundation courses. This subject included the structure of human body, which is the basic for nursing students so that they will be able to see and understand the structure of the organs for being the foundational knowledge of nursing subjects in terms of theory and practice. Thus, the authors designed teaching and learning in anatomy course by using teaching method on the basic of stimulating the students’ thinking process for linking the knowledge into nursing courses. The lecturers assigned their students to create anatomical cards which linked anatomical knowledge into nursing practices for enhancing the students’ experiences and using their knowledge. In the course of nursing practicum, the anatomical knowledge cards was used as a tool for the students to review the anatomical knowledge before nursing practice, and The cards also help them to understand, have a confidence in nursing practice, and be able to explain the logic of nursing activities. Moreover, using the cards could facilitate students to achieve all of six learning outcomes of Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.


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How to Cite

การุณงามพรรณ ม., & สุวารี ส. (2015). The Implementation of Anatomical Cards for Transferring the Knowledge into Basic Nursing Practices towards Learning Standard. Journal of Health and Health Management, 2(1), 12–20. Retrieved from



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