Educational Administration and Management for the 21st Century: Producing Health Personnel for the Future
changing contexts, educational administration and management, health personnel, knowledgeAbstract
Flexner’s report about a century ago has been instrumental in the development of effective health science curricula. The health science educational institutions have produced personnel to serve health system leading to great improvement in individual and population health as well as increase in life expectancy. However, during the past century, there have been big changes in the contexts in which the health systems operate. Tremendous progresses have been noted in knowledge and technologies. Changes have also occurred in population structures, economy, society, and communications which impact health. Rapid transfer of information and migration of people within and between countries have been evident. These changes have led to higher cost of health care and also inequity between the rich and the poor with respect to access to services. Therefore, it is desirable that health personnel for the future must have desirable knowledge, skills, attitude and practice pattern to effectively cope with the changing situations. In additional to adequate professional knowledge, these personnel need competencies in asking the right questions, search for answers based on reliable evidences, and ability to apply good evidences within the context of health system in which the personnel operate. The graduates also need to have appropriate values and follow the sufficient economy principle in their practices. Finally, they must be ready to serve individuals and communities with keen respect for human dignity. As a consequence, health education institutions need reforms in several areas, including development of teachers, curricula and learning styles, students learning experiences, supporting systems and new feedback channels for the public and the alumni to improve the education programs. Meaningful evaluation must be built into the education reforms of the institutions.
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