Effects of Community Participation on Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention of the village


  • อารี พุ่มประไวทย์ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎสุราษฎร์ธานี


Mosquito larva, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention and Control, Community Participation


The participatory action research, the objectives were 1. to study the level of the community participation. 2. to develop the preventive behavior of Denque Hemorrhagic fever. 3. to study the mosquito larva density index, by criteria of the Ministry of Public Health. The 43 samples were formal and informal leaders of the community. The tool were 1. in-depth interview. 2. Participate and non participate observation. 3. the preventive behavior of Denque Hemorrhagic fever interview. 4. The tool for observe mosquito’s larva density. The preventive behavior of Denque Hemorrhagic fever interview were approved by three experts, the IOC were 0.86. The results reveal that, the community participation was in the high level, the community member went to join the meeting and activity more than 90 %. The project results after participation of the prevention were 1. To present severity and risk of the disease. 2. To remove the source of mosquito. 3. Setting the group of people who feed the Poecilia reticulata Peters fish (Pla Hang Nok Yoong) for eating mosquito’s larva 4. Clear the mosquito larva in the house. 5. Spare the machine or material for reduce the mosquito and larva. Analyze data by descriptive statistic and paired t test, the mean score of preventive hemorrhagic fever behaviors after intervention was higher than before at a statistically significant (p < .05). The comparison larva between before and after participation program were met the values index of mosquito’s larva density were reducing: house index ; HI = 41.31 to 8.20, Container index ; CI = 31.44 to 7.48 and Breteau index ; BI = 62.52 to 18.64. The recommendations are that the community participation should be applied to the other communities that the same contexts to prevent and control dengue hemorrhagic fever.


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How to Cite

พุ่มประไวทย์ อ. (2019). Effects of Community Participation on Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention of the village. Journal of Health and Health Management, 5(1), 43–52. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/221422



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