A study personality of ex-addict staff


  • Lukkhana Jaitrong Department of Psychology, Pricess mother of National institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


Ex-addict Staff, Personality, The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)-Form A


To study the efficiency in job performance and the personality of ex-addict Staffs at Thanyarak Institute. This survey research was performed in 38 ex-addict Staffs at Thanyarak Institute.

         Data were collected through the use of three instrument: a questionnaire for demographic information; the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)-Form A ; and a questionnaire to evaluate efficiency in job performance as ex-addict Staffs . Data were analyzed and interpreted through the use of frequency distribution, average, standard deviation and t-test.

         The result of study revealed that supervisors evaluated ex-addict staffs’ job performance as lowly efficient (47.37%) and highly efficiency (52.63 %).  Ex-addict staffs who were evaluated highly efficiency, the average value of their personality factor standard scores: A, B, E, G, I, N, Q1 and Q2 were in moderate range or similar to those of normal population, while C, F, M and Q3 tended to be somewhat lower than average but L, O and Q4 tended to be somewhat higher than average.

         The ex-addict staffs have been the clients who can make this positive change a success. They should act as positive role models for client to emulate. In addition, they are one of the treatment team who should have a desirable characteristic to provide moral and emotional support as well as professional.


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