The Opinion of Working Age Smoker to Influence Pictorial Warnings on Cigarette Packs


  • Pitsarn Phanwattana Royal Police Cadet Academy


The opinion, Smoker, Pictorial warnings on cigarette packs


The purposes of this research were to study the opinion of working age smoker about knowledge, believe and mental with to pictorial warnings on cigarette packs. This study was conducted applying 2 research methodologies (quantitative & qualitative). quantitative approach, questionnaire were used to collect data from 116 of working age smoker. The data was analyzed, using descriptive statistics. To the qualitative approach, in-depth interview, structured observation and memos was conducted with working age smoker. The results indicated that the working age smoker in Bangkapi district had a knowledge and believe pictorial warnings on cigarette packs and influence to the mental of working age smoker.


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